Remarks C01722-2022

The Exchange does not warrant and holds no responsibility for the veracity of the facts and representations contained in all corporate disclosures, including financial reports. All data contained herein are prepared and submitted by the disclosing party to the Exchange, and are disseminated solely for purposes of information. Any questions on the data contained herein should be addressed directly to the Corporate Information Officer of the disclosing party.

Del Monte Pacific LimitedDELM

PSE Disclosure Form 4-34 - Voluntary Trading Suspension

Subject of the Disclosure

Voluntary Trading Suspension of Del Monte Pacific Limited's (the "Company") Series A-1 Preference (DMPA1) Shares

Background/Description of the Disclosure

Further to its disclosure on 11 March 2022 on the redemption on 7 April 2022 of all of the outstanding 20,000,000 Series A-1 Preference Shares and the setting of the record date on 30 March 2022 (“Record Date”), the Company has requested the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. for the voluntary trading suspension of all the Series A-1 Preference Shares effective on 25 March 2022, which is the ex-date, in order to determine the stockholders of record of such shares for purposes of redemption.

Stock Symbol(s) of Affected Securities


Trading Suspension Details
Execution Date Mar 25, 2022
Execution Time 9:00 AM
Lifting Date TBA
Lifting Time TBA
Reason(s) for the request

In order to determine the stockholders of record of the Series A-1 Preference Shares on the Record Date.

Other Relevant Information

A notice of redemption of the Series A-1 Preference Shares will be sent to the stockholders of record of such shares as of the Record Date. For further details and inquiries, stockholders of the Series A-1 Preference Shares may also get in touch with the Company’s stock transfer agent through the following details:

BDO Unibank, Inc. – Trust and Investments Group
Tel. No.: 8878-4740
Email: [email protected]
Contact persons: Mr. Oliver L. Galvez

Please refer to the attached for further relevant information.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Antonio Eugenio Ungson
Designation Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer