As previously announced in Listing Notice No LN00263-2021 dated October 20, 2021, in light of AC Energy Corporation’s (“ACEN” or the “Company”) compliance with the lock-up requirement of the Exchange, 16,685,800,533 ACEN common shares were subjected to a lock-up period of 180 days from listing date.
In a letter dated April 7, 2022, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, through its Trust and Investments Group (the “Escrow Agent”), informed the Exchange that the lock-up period for the 16,685,800,533 ACEN common shares owned by the above-mentioned Locked-up Shareholder, will end on April 20, 2022.
In view thereof, the 16,685,800,533 ACEN common shares that were held in escrow will be eligible for trading starting on Thursday, April 21, 2022.
For your information and guidance. |