


1. Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)
Oct 7, 2022
2. SEC Identification Number
3. BIR Tax Identification No.
4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter
5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation
6. Industry Classification Code(SEC Use Only)
7. Address of principal office
137 Yakal Street, San Antonio Village, Makati City Postal Code 1203
8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code
9. Former name or former address, if changed since last report
10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA
Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding
COMMON SHARE 1,068,393,223
11. Indicate the item numbers reported herein

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Macay Holdings, Inc.MACAY

PSE Disclosure Form 5-1 - Substantial Acquisitions References: SRC Rule 17 (SEC Form 17-C) and
Section 4.4 and/or Section 5 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

Subject of the Disclosure

Acquisition by MACAY Holdings, Inc. (“MACAY”) of RC Global Beverages, Inc. (“RCGBI”)

Background/Description of the Disclosure

The Board of Directors of MACAY approved on September 6, 2022 the acquisition by MACAY of RCGBI from RC Global Ventures, Inc. (“Seller”). RCGBI is a corporation organized under the laws of the British Virgin Islands. It is 100% beneficially owned (through the Seller) by Mazy’s Capital Inc. (“Mazy’s”), a majority shareholder of MACAY.

The acquisition is subject to the execution of a Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) and closing under the SPA.

Date of Approval by Board of Directors Sep 6, 2022
Date of Approval by Stockholders N/A
Other Relevant Regulatory Agency, if applicable --
Date of Approval by Relevant Regulatory Agency N/A
Rationale for the transaction including the benefits which are expected to be accrued to the Issuer as a result of the transaction

The acquisition by MACAY of RCGBI provides MACAY a global platform and foreign currency revenues in addition to the current peso revenues from its local operations. It also provides geographic and political/country risk diversification to MACAY. The acquisition is also immediately financially accretive to MACAY and will strengthen the Food & Beverage investments portfolio of MACAY.

RCGBI is an asset- and capital-light business and its growth will not require heavy capital commitments from its parent company.

Description of the transaction including the timetable for implementation and related regulatory requirements, if any

Macay, or its assigns, will acquire 100% of the voting and controlling interest in RCGBI. The transaction is subject to the fulfillment of agreed closing conditions. The acquisition will be through a share purchase transaction and it is expected to close not earlier than 1 month from the execution of the agreement. Payment will be at closing upon signing of the instrument of transfer.

The acquisition is subject to the execution of a Share Purchase Agreement.

Identities of the parties to the transaction
Name Nature of Business Nature of any material relationship with the Issuer, their directors/officers or any of their affiliates
RC Gobal Ventures Inc. Holding Company Both MACAY and RCGBI are beneficially owned by Mazy’s Capital Inc.
Terms and conditions of the transaction
The nature and amount of consideration (e.g. price per share, the aggregate amount)

MACAY, or its assigns, will purchase 1 share representing 100% voting and controlling interest of RCGBI for the purchase price of US Dollar 21.4 million in cash

Basis upon which the amount of consideration or value of the transaction was determined

Valuation was based on discounted cash flow and relative valuation analysis. The agreed purchase price of the transaction is based on negotiations between parties.

The number of shares to be acquired 1
Ratio/percentage to total outstanding capital stock 100
Terms of payment

Cash payment upon signing of the instrument of transfer, subject to adjustments.

Conditions precedent to closing of the transaction, if any

The transaction is subject to the fulfilment of agreed closing conditions, including continued accuracy of representations and warranties.

Description of the company subject of the transaction
Nature and business

RCGBI holds the global licensing rights to RC Cola and associated brands in over 100 countries (excluding US, Mexico and Canada). It also develops flavors and provides concentrates for customers in different countries.

Discussion of major projects and investments

Expand the business across other territories and the introduction of new brands/products

List of subsidiaries and affiliates, with percentage holdings
Name % Ownership
Royal Crown Cola International, LLC 100

Capital structure

Authorized capital stock
Type of Security Amount Number of Shares
Ordinary Share USD 50,000.00 50,000
Subscribed Shares
Type of Security Amount Number of Shares
Ordinary Share USD 1.00 1
Paid-Up Capital
Amount USD 1.00
Number of Shares 1
Issued Shares
Type of Security Amount Number of Shares
SHARE USD 1.00 1
Outstanding Shares
Type of Security Amount Number of Shares
SHARE USD 1.00 1
Par Value
Type of Security Amount
Ownership Structure (including percentage holdings)
Name Number of Shares % Ownership
RC Global Ventures Inc. 1 100
Board of Directors
Name (Regular or Independent)
RC Global Ventures Inc. Sole Director
Principal Officers
Name Position/Designation
Intercorp Services Limited Corporate Secretary
Effect(s)/impact on the business, financial condition and operations of the Issuer

In addition to providing geographic and political/country risk diversification to MACAY, this acquisition will enhance synergies between MACAY, Philippine Bottler of RC Cola, and RCGBI, as trademark owner and supplier of concentrates.

Other Relevant Information

Attached are information from RCGBI:

1. Memorandum and Articles of Association
2. Certificate of Incumbency
3. Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements as of 2021

Filed on behalf by:
Name Nicole Jayme
Designation Business Development Director