The Exchange approved the application of Alternergy Holdings Corporation ( “ALTER” or the “Company”) for the initial listing of up to 3,933,840,480 common shares, with a par value of Php0.10 per share, under the Main Board of the Exchange, which includes the shares subject of the Company’s Initial Public Offering (“IPO” or “Offer”).
The IPO of the Company, with an Offer Price of up to Php1.48 per share, consists of the following:
1. Primary Offering. Up to 1,150,000,000 common shares to be offered and will be issued to the public on a primary basis; and
2. Over-allotment Option of up to 115,000,000 primary common shares.
Attached is a copy of the signed Preliminary Offer Terms Sheet.
The Exchange’s approval of the conduct of the IPO and listing of the Company’s shares is subject to its compliance with any and all of the post-approval conditions and requirements of the Exchange, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other relevant regulatory bodies.
The foregoing approval is without prejudice to any regulatory action that may be undertaken by the Exchange pursuant to its mandate to maintain a fair, orderly, efficient and transparent market for the trading of securities and to determine the suitability of securities for listing.
The Exchange will advise the investing public of further developments on the IPO of the Company.
For your information and guidance. |