

Subject SP New Energy Corporation: Stock Rights Offering - Monitoring of Fully Paid and Partially Paid Shares
Company Name SP New Energy Corporation
Security Details
Type of Security Stock Symbol Par Value
Common Shares SPNEC Php0.10
Type of Transaction(s) Stock Rights Offering
Reference(s) LN00223-2022 and LN00224-2022 both dated August 25, 2022
Ratio 1 Rights Share for every 1.28 shares owned
Offer Price Php1.50
Record Date Aug 25, 2022
Approved Rights Shares
Stock Symbol No. of Shares
SPNEC 1,875,649,995
Additional Rights Shares to be Listed
Stock Symbol No. of Rights Shares to be Listed
SPNEC 133,438,874
Fully Paid and Tradable Rights Shares
Stock Symbol No. of Shares
Before After
SPNEC 1,296,881,410 1,430,320,284
Effective Date of Tradability of the Shares Mar 1, 2023
Remaining Partially Paid Rights Shares
Stock Symbol No. of Shares
Before After
SPNEC 578,768,585 445,329,711
Adjustments Issued Shares (if applicable)
Type of Security / Stock Symbol Before After
SPNEC 10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000
Outstanding Shares (if applicable)
Type of Security / Stock Symbol Before After
SPNEC 10,000,000,000 10,000,000,000
Listed Shares
Type of Security / Stock Symbol Before After
SPNEC 9,421,231,415 9,554,670,289
Other Relevant Information

As previously announced in Listing Notice No. LN00223-2022 dated August 25, 2022, the Exchange approved the application of SP New Energy Corporation (“SPNEC” or the “Company”) for the listing of additional 1,875,649,995 common shares (“Rights Shares”), to cover the Company’s 1:1.28 Stock Rights Offering (“SRO” or the “Offer”), at an Offer Price of Php 1.50 per share.

Further, the payment terms of the Company’s SRO are as follows:

a. Option 1 – full payment of the total subscription price upon submission of the application; and

b. Option 2 – installment payment, with a down payment of 25% of the total subscription price for the Rights Shares upon submission of the Application, and the balance of 75% of the total subscription price to be paid in full one time directly to the Company, or on its instructions, to its nominee for this purpose, on any day within three months from the end of the Offer Period for Eligible Shareholders (i.e., [from [6 September 2022 to 5 December 2022]); within three months from the end of the QB Take-Up for the Qualified Buyers; and within three months from the end of the Sweep Period for the Principal Shareholder.

For Option 2, in case of any non-payment of the balance of 75% of the Total Subscription Price on the relevant due date, the Company reserves the right to extend the payment period for partially-paid Rights Shares prior to declaring them delinquent, subject to such terms as the Company may determine at its sole discretion, provided that, no extension shall be for more than a period of three months from the end of the initial installment period, and the Company reserves the right to impose penalties for shares paid for during this extension period.

The Company informed the Exchange that an additional 133,438,874 Rights Shares were fully-paid by shareholders as of February 17, 2023.

As of February 27, 2023, the Company has complied with the applicable listing requirements for the listing of additional 133,438,874 fully-paid Right Shares.

The designated stock transfer agent is hereby authorized to record and register in its books the above number of shares.

The number of SPNEC’s listed shares will be accordingly adjusted on listing date.

For your information and guidance.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Norberto Moreno Jr.
Designation Listings Department