


1. Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)
Mar 10, 2023
2. SEC Identification Number
3. BIR Tax Identification No.
4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter
5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation
Makati City, Philippines
6. Industry Classification Code(SEC Use Only)
7. Address of principal office
28/F Tower One and Exchange Plaza, Ayala Ave. Makati City Postal Code Postal Code 1226
8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code
(+632) 7908-3804
9. Former name or former address, if changed since last report
10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA
Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding
Common Shares 1,761,047,193
11. Indicate the item numbers reported herein
Item 9 - Other Matters

The Exchange does not warrant and holds no responsibility for the veracity of the facts and representations contained in all corporate disclosures, including financial reports. All data contained herein are prepared and submitted by the disclosing party to the Exchange, and are disseminated solely for purposes of information. Any questions on the data contained herein should be addressed directly to the Corporate Information Officer of the disclosing party.


PSE Disclosure Form LR-1 - Comprehensive Corporate Disclosure on Issuance of Shares (Private Placements, Share Swaps, Property-for-Share Swaps
or Conversion of Liabilities/Debt into Equity)
Reference: Rule on Additional Listing of Securities

Subject of the Disclosure

Property-for-Share Swap between AREIT, Inc. and Ayala Land, Inc. ("ALI")

Background/Description of the Disclosure

The Board of Directors of AREIT, Inc. (AREIT), at its special meeting held last March 7 2023, approved the subscription of Ayala Land, Inc (ALI), and its subsidiaries, Ayalaland Malls, Inc. (ALMI), and Northbeacon Commercial Corporation (NBCC) to 607,559,380 AREIT primary common shares, in Exchange for flagship offices and malls with an aggregate value of P22,479,697,060, as validated by a third-party fairness opinion.

Definitive agreements on the Transaction (as defined below) will be duly disclosed to the Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) upon execution.

Date of Approval by Board of Directors Mar 7, 2023
Comprehensive Corporate Disclosure
Description of the proposed transaction including the timetable for implementation, and related regulatory requirements

The Company and ALI, ALMI, and NBCC will execute a property-for-share swap transaction whereby the Company will issue the Shares to ALI, ALMI, and NBCC in exchange for the following identified properties valued at P22,479,697,060.00 (the "Transaction"), at an issue price of P37.00 per share ("Transaction Price"), set at a 3% premium over the 30-day VWAP of P35.83 or the Market Price.

The Properties will be used as ALI's, ALMI's, and NBCC's payment for the Shares. The Transaction will be implemented as a tax-free exchange, subject to a fairness opinion on the valuation of the Shares and of the Properties prepared and issued by FTI Consulting Philippines, Inc. ("FTI Consulting"), an independent fairness opinion provider accredited by both the SEC and the Philippine Stock Exchange ("PSE"). The Properties have been evaluated by AREIT Fund Managers, Inc. ("AFMI") and have been appraised by the Company's property appraiser, Cuervo Appraisers, Inc. ("Cuervo").

The infusion of the Properties into AREIT is in line with the objective of AREIT and its Sponsor, ALI, to grow the asset base of AREIT through the infusion of several high-quality assets to maximize value accretion for AREIT's shareholders.

The Transaction is subject to the approval of AREIT stockholders at the Company's annual meeting to be held on 26 April 2023.

AREIT will apply for the additional listing of the shares resulting from the Transaction. The final Transaction Price is set at a 3% premium over the 30-day VWAP of P35.83 or the Market Price. In accordance with the PSE's Consolidated Listing and Disclosure Rules ("PSE Rules"), Article V, Section 9, paragraph (a), "Market Price" means the volume weighted average of the closing prices for a period of thirty (30) Trading Days prior to the transaction or the date of the approval of the Board of Directors. As such, the Transaction falls within the Exceptions to the conduct of a rights or public offering requirement of the PSE Rules.

SECTION 9. Exceptions to the Rule – The Exchange shall grant an exception to the rights or public offering requirement in the following cases:

(a) The transaction price for the shares subscribed is set at a premium over the prevailing market price. Market Price shall mean the weighted average of the closing prices for a period of thirty (30) Trading Days prior to the transaction;


The exchange of the Shares for the Properties will qualify as a tax-free exchange under Section 40(C)(2) of the Tax Code, as amended.

Section 40 (C) (2) of the Tax Code, as amended, has been interpreted by the Supreme Court in the case of Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Filinvest Development Corporation (G.R. No. 167689, 9 July 2011), to mean that a tax-free exchange applies when the controlling person gains "further control" or transfers where the exchanger already has control of the corporation at the time of the exchange.

The Company expects to execute the Deed of Exchange and file the application for approval of the original issuance of shares with the SEC within May 2023, and the issuance of the Certificates Authorizing Registration ("CAR") with the relevant Revenue District Office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue ("BIR") within the first quarter of 2024. The SEC's approval of the Transaction is expected to be issued within the year, and the BIR's CAR issuance is expected to be issued within the first quarter of 2024. The Company shall likewise apply for the additional listing of shares with the Exchange by the first quarter of 2024. The indicative timetable for implementation of the Transaction is shown in Table 3 of the attached letter.

Rationale for the transaction including the benefits which are expected to be accrued to the listed issuer as a result of the transaction

As the first Philippine Real Estate Investment Trust ("REIT") successfully listed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and true to its commitment to diversify and expand its portfolio through constant, accretive asset infusions, AREIT aspires to further grow its leasing portfolio with prime and stable assets. Since its IPO, AREIT delivered on its growth plan, resulting in a 52% total shareholder return from dividend yield and price appreciation, based on the closing price of P35.85 on 06 March 2023.

AREIT started with 153 thousand square meters equivalent to P30 billion of Assets Under Management ("AUM") in 2020. By December 2021, this has grown to 549 thousand square meters, equivalent to P53 billion in AUM. At the close of 2022, AREIT has grown to 673 thousand square meters, equivalent to P64 billion in AUM. With this new asset infusion, AREIT will grow further and reach 863 thousand square meters or around P87 billion in AUM in 2023 nearly triple its size. This growth exceeds its target to double in size within two years from its IPO. The new asset infusion will likewise diversify AREIT's asset base with the infusion of ALI's flagship offices and malls.

The properties are expected to contribute further to its operating cashflows, boosting dividends per share. At 6.625% capitalization rate, the Properties were valued based on a stable level of operating income and the expected yield of the property after considering a long-term sustainable growth of 3%. AREIT's 2023 yield is approximately 5.7% from its existing assets at the prevailing market price. Hence, the asset-for-share swap would be accretive and potentially increase the overall yield to approximately 6.2% after the new assets are infused. Estimated yields and total shareholder return are subject to actual operating performance and market conditions.

The Properties transferred to AREIT, including the gross leasable area, location, occupancy, and average rent, are in Annex C of the attached letter.

The aggregate value of the consideration, explaining how this is to be satisfied, including the terms of any agreements for payment on a deferred basis

The Properties are valued at approximately P22.5 Billion by FTI Consulting and the Appraisal Reports issued by Cuervo (Annex B of the attached letter). The Transaction Price of P37.00 per share was set at a premium over the 30-day VWAP of P35.83 or Market Price, and falls within the range of values provided in the Fairness Opinion (Annex A of the attached letter).

Subject to regulatory approvals (including BIR's CAR issuance allowing the transfer of properties to AREIT as a tax-free exchange transaction under the Tax Code, as amended, and SEC's approval of the Company's increase in authorized capital stock from where the Shares will be issued, and approval of the original issuance of shares to ALI, ALMI, and NBCC), the Transaction will close upon the listing of the Shares with the PSE.

The basis upon which the consideration or the issue value was determined

The Discounted Cashflows ("DCF") Approach was used as the primary method to estimate the fair value of the AREIT shares and Properties. Under the DCF approach, FTI Consulting discounted the cashflows of AREIT and the Properties based on a weighted average cost of capital ("WACC") using the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The Comparable Companies Approach and Precedent Transactions Approach were used as secondary methods to cross-check the value of the AREIT shares. The Direct Capitalization Approach was used to cross-check the value of the Properties.

Detailed work program of the application of proceeds, the corresponding timetable of disbursements and status of each project included in the work program. For debt retirement application, state which projects were financed by debt being retired, the project cost, amount of project financed by debt and financing sources for the remaining cost of the project

The Company expects to execute the Deed of Exchange and file the application for approval of the original issuance of shares with the SEC within May 2023, and the issuance of the Certificates Authorizing Registration ("CAR") with the relevant Revenue District Office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue ("BIR") within the first quarter of 2024. The SEC's approval of the Transaction is expected to be issued within the year, and the BIR's CAR issuance is expected to be issued within the first quarter of 2024. The Company shall likewise apply for the additional listing of shares with the Exchange by the first quarter of 2024. The indicative timetable for implementation of the Transaction is on Table 3 of the attached letter.

Identity and/or corporate background of the beneficial owners of the shares subscribed, including the following
Beneficial Owners/Subscribers Nature of Business Nature of any material relationship with the Issuer and the parties to the transaction, their directors/officers or any of their affiliates
Ayala Land, Inc. ALI is a public corporation organized under the laws of the Philippines. ALI is the largest property developer in the Philippines with a solid track record in developing large-scale, integrated, mixed-use, sustainable estates that are thriving economic centers in their respective regions. ALI holds a balanced and complementary mix of residential developments, shopping centers, offices, hotels and resorts, and other businesses. ALI is the Sponsor of AREIT and, as of date hereof, directly and indirectly owns 66% of AREIT shares, as shown in the Table 9 of the attached letter.
Ayalaland Malls, Inc. (formerly ALI Commercial Center, Inc.) ALMI is a real estate corporation and owner of commercial buildings located within Ayala Center Makati. It is the owner of the commercial properties and operates the same. It is the owner of the office buildings, One Ayala East and West Towers. ALMI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ALI and will own the number of AREIT shares indicated in Table 9 of the attached letter.
Northbeacon Commercial Corporation NBCC is a real estate corporation and owner of Marquee Mall in Angeles City, Pampanga NBCC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ALI and will own the number of AREIT shares indicated in Table 9 of the attached letter.
Organizational/Ownership Structure of Subscribers
Controlling Shareholders of Subscribers Number of Shares Held %
The Organizational/Ownership Structure of Subscribers can be found in Annexes E, K and P 0 0
For subscribers with no track record or with no operating history: the Subscriber must present a statement of active business pursuits and objectives which details the step undertaken and proposed to be undertaken by the Issuer in order to advance its business. Projected financial statements shall only be required should there be references made in the Statement to forecasts or targets

The Subscriber, ALI, was registered with the SEC on 20 June 1988. It is the largest property developer in the country with a solid track record in developing large-scale, integrated, mixed-use, and sustainable estates that are now thriving economic centers. ALMI and NBCC are wholly-owned subsidiaries of ALI engaged in the business of leasing office and retail spaces. Additional information on ALI, ALMI, and NBCC are discussed in the attached letter.

The interest which directors of the parties to the transaction have in the proposed transaction

Aside from their ownership of shares in the Company and ALI the directors of the parties do not have interest in the proposed Transaction.

Statement as to the steps to be taken, if any, to safeguard the interests of any independent shareholders

The matter of the increase in the Company's authorized capital stock, and the issuance of the 607,559,380 primary common shares to ALI, ALMI, and NBCC will be discussed and taken up in the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting of the Company on 26 April 2023. The final Transaction Price is set at a 3% premium over the 30-day VWAP of P35.83 . In accordance with the PSE's Consolidated Listing and Disclosure Rules, Article V, Section 9, paragraph (a), "Market Price" means the volume weighted average of the closing prices for a period of thirty (30) Trading Days prior to the transaction or the date of the approval of the Board of Directors. As such, the Transaction falls within the Exceptions to the conduct of a rights or public offering requirement of the Additional Listing Rules of the PSE.

The Company's Fund Manager on 6 March 2023 has endorsed the Transaction to the Company. The Company's Risk Management and Related Party Transactions Review Committee and the Board of Directors have reviewed FTI Consulting's fairness opinion on the Shares and the Properties, as well as the appraisal reports issued by Cuervo. Cuervo and FTI Consulting have issued appraisal Reports and a Fairness Opinion to establish the fairness of the valuation of the Shares and the Properties used in this Transaction.

Pertinent details are provided in the supporting Annexes submitted together with this document.

Any conditions precedent to closing of the transaction

Subject to regulatory approvals (including BIR’s CAR issuance confirming that the Transaction is a tax-free exchange under the Tax Code, as amended, and SEC’s approval of the original issuance of shares), the Transaction will close upon the listing of the Shares with the PSE.

Change(s) in the composition of the Board of Directors and Management

There are no changes in the composition of the Board of Directors and Management.

Effects on the following

Ownership structure
Principal Shareholders Before After
Number of shares % Number of shares %
Ayala Land, Inc. 966,408,006 54.88% 1,026,398,048 43.33%
AyalaLand Offices, Inc. 96,292,435 5.47% 96,292,435 4.07%
Westview 37,443,313 2.13% 37,443,313 1.58%
GDI 62,146,531 3.53% 62,146,531 2.62%
ALMI 0 0.00% 287,186,771 12.12%
NBCC 0 0.00% 55,382,567 2.34%

Capital structure

Issued Shares
Type of Security /Stock Symbol Before After
Issued 1,828,377,163 2,435,936,543
Outstanding Shares
Type of Security /Stock Symbol Before After
Common 1,761,047,193 2,368,606,573
Treasury Shares
Type of Security /Stock Symbol Before After
Treasury 67,329,970 67,329,970
Listed Shares
Type of Security /Stock Symbol Before After
Listed 1,576,240,780 2,435,936,543
Effect(s) on the public float, if any The Company will ensure that ALI sells some of its shareholdings in the Company prior to the property-for-shares swap in order to ensure compliance with the minimum public ownership requirements imposed upon the Company. The relevant disclosures on the sale of shareholdings will be made in due course.
Effect(s) on foreign ownership level, if any Foreign ownership level will decline
Other Relevant Information

In relation to ALI's ownership post-transaction, The Company will ensure that ALI sells some of its shareholdings in the Company prior to the property-for-shares swap in order to ensure compliance with the minimum public ownership requirements imposed upon the Company. The relevant disclosures on the sale of shareholdings will be made in due course.

In relation to the listed shares post transaction, The number of listed shares post-transaction is inclusive of the 252M shares subject of the property-for-share swap between ALI and AREIT approved by the SEC last December 29, 2022, which shares will be applied for listing this Q2 2023.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Brandon Ryan Lim
Designation Investor Relations Associate