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Alternergy Holdings CorporationALTER

PSE Disclosure Form 17-15 - Annual Verification of the Department of Energy Reference: Section 17.15 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

Subject of the Disclosure

Certifications of Good Standing issued by the Department of Energy in respect of ALTER's HYDRO projects

Description of the Disclosure

The Department of Energy has issued Certifications of Good Standing dated March 22 and 27, 2024 in respect of the following HYDRO power projects being developed by special purpose vehicle ("SPV") corporations under the umbrella of ALTER:

List of valid and subsisting service contracts

1. Dupinga Hydroelectric Power Project being developed by Dupinga Mini Hydro Corporation;
2. Asin-Hungduan and Ibulao 1 Hydroelectric Power Projects being developed by Kiangan Mini Hydro Corporation; and
3. Ibulao 2 Hydroelectric Power Project being developed by Ibulao Mini Hydro Corporation.

Other Relevant Information

Certifications of Good Standing in respect of ALTER's SOLAR and WIND projects being developed by their respective SPVs are subject of separate PSE Form 17-15 filings.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Kimberly Rose Pagdilao
Designation Corporate Counsel / Deputy CIO