

Subject Union Bank of the Philippines: Stock Rights Offering – Additional Listing
Company Name Union Bank of the Philippines
Security Details
Type of Security Stock Symbol Par Value
Common Shares UBP Php10.00
Type of Transaction Stock Rights Offering
Reference(s) LN00077-2024 and LN00079-2024 dated May 6, 2024 and May 8, 2024, respectively.
Ratio 1 Rights Share for every 9.1382 Common Shares held as of the Record Date.
Ex-Date May 8, 2024
Record Date May 9, 2024
Offer Price Php 30.57
Payment Terms Full Payment
Summary of the SRO Results
Stock Symbol
No. of Rights Shares
First Round UBP 319,607,723
Second Round UBP 7,510,366
Underwriter's Take-up (if applicable) UBP -
Date of Approval of Increase in Capital Stock (if applicable) N/A
Rights Shares to be Listed
Stock Symbol No. of Rights Shares to be Listed
UBP 327,118,089
Fully-Paid and Tradable Rights Shares
Stock Symbol No. of Rights Shares
UBP 327,118,089
Listing Date May 31, 2024


Issued Shares (if applicable)
Type of Security / Stock Symbol Before After
UBP 2,989,287,495 3,316,405,584
Outstanding Shares (if applicable)
Type of Security / Stock Symbol Before After
UBP 3,316,377,607 3,316,377,607
Listed Shares
Type of Security / Stock Symbol Before After
UBP 2,987,882,846 3,315,000,935
Other Relevant Information

As previously announced in Listing Notice Nos. LN00077-2024 and LN00079-2024 dated May 6, 2024 and May 8, 2024, respectively, the Exchange approved the application of Union Bank of the Philippines (“UBP” or the “Bank”) for the listing of additional 327,118,089 common shares (the “Rights Shares”), to cover the Bank’s 1:9.1382 Stock Rights Offering (“SRO” or the “Offer”), at an Offer Price of Php30.57 per share.

The designated Stock Transfer Agent is hereby authorized to record and register in its books the said Rights Shares.

For your information and guidance.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Norberto Moreno Jr.
Designation Listings Department