


1. Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)
Jun 11, 2024
2. SEC Identification Number
3. BIR Tax Identification No.
4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter
5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation
6. Industry Classification Code(SEC Use Only)
7. Address of principal office
Ramon Cojuangco Building, Makati Avenue, Makati City Postal Code 1200
8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code
(632) 8250-0254
9. Former name or former address, if changed since last report
Not Applicable
10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA
Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding
- -
11. Indicate the item numbers reported herein

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PSE Disclosure Form 4-25 - Results of Organizational Meeting References: SRC Rule 17 (SEC Form 17-C) and
Section 4.4 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

Subject of the Disclosure

Results of the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors of PLDT Inc.

Background/Description of the Disclosure

The Organizational Meeting was held immediately after the adjournment of the Annual Meeting.

(c) Twelve (12) directors including the Chairman of the Board, the Chairmen of the Audit, Risk, Governance, Nomination and Sustainability, Executive Compensation, Technology Strategy, and Data Privacy and Information Security Committees, the President and Chief Executive Officer and other key officers of the Company were present at the Annual Meeting. Representatives from the Company’s independent auditors, SGV & Co. were also present at the Annual Meeting.

The following actions were approved by the Board of Directors at the Organizational Meeting:

(a) Appointment of Mr. Manuel V. Pangilinan as Chairman of the Board of Directors and President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

(b) Appointment of Ret. Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban as Lead Independent Director.

(c) Appointment of the members of the Advisory Board/Committee:

Mr. Benny S. Santoso;
Mr. Christopher H. Young; and
Fr. Roberto C. Yap, S.J.

List of elected officers for the ensuing year with their corresponding shareholdings in the Issuer
Name of Person Position/Designation Shareholdings in the Listed Company Nature of Indirect Ownership
Direct Indirect
Manuel V. Pangilinan Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer 271,611 91,910 Thru PCD
Marilyn A. Victorio-Aquino Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Counsel, Corporate Secretary, Head of Legal, Regulatory and Strategic Affairs Group, Head of Supply Chain, and Head of Risk and Privacy 1,000 26,395 Thru PCD
Gina Marina P. Ordoñez Senior Vice President and Chief People Officer 0 5,141 Thru PCD
Victorico P. Vargas Leadership Transition Officer 0 17,085 Thru PCD
Danny Y. Yu Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Management Officer 0 0 -
Menardo G. Jimenez, Jr. Senior Vice President 22 8,022 Thru PCD
Jeremiah M. de la Cruz Senior Vice President 0 0 -
Joseph Ian G. Gendrano Senior Vice President 0 897 Thru PCD
Luis S. Reñon Senior Vice President 0 55 Thru PCD
John Gregory Y. Palanca Senior Vice President 0 793 Thru PCD
Leo I. Posadas First Vice President and Treasurer 10 9,695 Thru PCD
Melissa V. Vergel De Dios First Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer 0 4,025 Thru PCD
Katrina L. Abelarde First Vice President 0 1,211 Thru PCD
Benedict Patrick V. Alcoseba First Vice President 0 1,454 Thru PCD
Marco Alejandro T. Borlongan First Vice President 0 3,053 Thru PCD
Mary Julie C. Carceller First Vice President 0 0 -
Bernard H. Castro First Vice President 0 0 -
Darlene Stephanie D. Chiong First Vice President 0 75 Thru PCD
Joseph Michael Vincent G. Co First Vice President 0 0 Thru PCD
Joan A. De Venecia-Fabul First Vice President 0 244 Thru PCD
Gil Samson D. Garcia First Vice President 0 33 Thru PCD
Victor Emmanuel S. Genuino II First Vice President 0 3,000 Thru PCD
John John R. Gonzales First Vice President 0 1,128 Thru PCD
Ma. Criselda B. Guhit First Vice President 0 2,694 Thru PCD
Leah Camilla R. Besa-Jimenez First Vice President 0 3,480 Thru PCD
Gary Manuel Y. Kho First Vice President 0 0 -
Albert Mitchell L. Locsin First Vice President 0 8 Thru PCD
Loreevi Gail O. Mercado First Vice President 0 1,312 Thru PCD
Anna Karina V. Rodriguez First Vice President 0 0 -
Jeanine R. Rubin First Vice President 0 0 -
Bernadette C. Salinas First Vice President 0 669 Thru PCD
Roderick S. Santiago First Vice President 0 0 -
Patrick S. Tang First Vice President 0 0 -
Victor Y. Tria First Vice President 0 2,167 Thru PCD
Jude Michael H. Turcuato First Vice President 0 0 -
John Henri C. Yanez First Vice President 0 968 Thru PCD
Catherine L. Yap-Yang First Vice President 0 1,900 Thru PCD
Ma. Magdalene A. Tan Vice President and Head - Corporate Governance 0 0 -
Mark David P. Martinez Vice President and Assistant Corporate Secretary 0 0 -
Minerva M. Agas Vice President 0 1,625 Thru PCD
Cecille M. Alzona Vice President 0 266 Thru PCD
Roy Victor E. Añonuevo Vice President 0 551 Thru PCD
Tito Rodolfo B. Aquino, Jr. Vice President 0 890 Thru PCD
Maria Cecilia A. Arevalo Vice President 0 633 Thru PCD
Rona M. Erfe-Aringay Vice President 0 0 -
Jerameel A. Azurin Vice President 0 1,304 Thru PCD
Francis A. Bautista Vice President 0 767 Thru PCD
Dianne M. Blanco Vice President 0 500 Thru PCD
Benjamin Jose C. Causon, Jr. Vice President 0 297 Thru PCD
Ma. Monica M. Consing Vice President 0 298 Thru PCD
Branden B. Dean Vice President 0 0 -
Ramil C. Enriquez Vice President 0 553 Thru PCD
Aniceto M. Franco III Vice President 0 756 Thru PCD
Leonard A. Gonzales Vice President 0 120 Thru PCD
Silverio S. Ibay, Jr. Vice President 0 1,375 Thru PCD
Gary F. Ignacio Vice President 0 1,108 Thru PCD
Rai Antonio A. De Jesus Vice President 0 95 Thru PCD
Javier C. Lagdameo Vice President 0 1,875 Thru PCD
Ser John S. Layug Vice President 0 700 Thru PCD
John Henry S. Lebumfacil Vice President 0 235 Thru PCD
Armando Dodjie T. Lim Vice President 0 532 Thru PCD
Czar Christopher S. Lopez Vice President 0 1,970 Thru PCD
Paolo Jose C. Lopez Vice President 0 0 -
Ma. Carmela F. Luque Vice President 0 1,635 Thru PCD
Evert Chris R. Miranda Vice President 0 0 -
Ruby S. Montoya Vice President 0 374 Thru PCD
Oliver Carlos G. Odulio Vice President 0 1,484 Thru PCD
Audrey Lyn S. Oliva Vice President 0 0 -
Charles Louis L. Orcena Vice President 0 25 Thru PCD
Regina P. Pineda Vice President 0 447 Thru PCD
Emerson C. Roque Vice President 0 651 Thru PCD
Marielle M. Rubio Vice President 0 0 -
Maria Christina C. Semira Vice President 0 969 Thru PCD
Arvin L. Siena Vice President 0 1,488 Thru PCD
Jerone H. Tabanera Vice President 0 511 Thru PCD
Carla Elena A. Tabuena Vice President 0 1,362 Thru PCD
Jecyn Aimee C. Teng Vice President 0 52 Thru PCD
Milan M. Topacio Vice President 0 457 Thru PCD
Ma. Delia V. Villarino Vice President 0 0 -
Radames Vittorio B. Zalameda Vice President 0 382 Thru PCD
List of Committees and Membership
Name of Committees Members Position/Designation in Committee
Audit Committee Bernadine T. Siy Chairman/Independent Member
Audit Committee Bernido H. Liu Independent Member
Audit Committee Artemio V. Panganiban Independent Member
Audit Committee Corazon S. de la Paz-Bernardo Advisor (Audit Committee Financial Expert)
Audit Committee James L. Go Advisor
Audit Committee Kazuyuki Kozu Advisor
Risk Committee Artemio V. Panganiban Chairman/Independent Member
Risk Committee Bernido H. Liu Independent Member
Risk Committee Bernadine T. Siy Independent Member
Risk Committee James L. Go Member
Risk Committee Kazuyuki Kozu Member
Risk Committee Danny Y. Yu Non-Voting Member
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Manuel V. Pangilinan Chairman
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Bernido H. Liu Independent Member
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Artemio V. Panganiban Independent Member
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Bernadine T. Siy Independent Member
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Kazuyuki Kozu Member
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Gina Marina P. Ordoñez Non-Voting Member
Governance, Nomination and Sustainability Committee Melissa V. Vergel de Dios Non-Voting Member
Executive Compensation Committee Manuel V. Pangilinan Chairman
Executive Compensation Committee Bernido H. Liu Independent Member
Executive Compensation Committee Artemio V. Panganiban Independent Member
Executive Compensation Committee Bernadine T. Siy Independent Member
Executive Compensation Committee Kazuyuki Kozu Member
Executive Compensation Committee Gina Marina P. Ordoñez Non-Voting Member
Technology Strategy Committee Manuel V. Pangilinan Chairman
Technology Strategy Committee Ray C. Espinosa Member
Technology Strategy Committee James L. Go Member
Technology Strategy Committee Kazuyuki Kozu Member
Technology Strategy Committee Menardo G. Jimenez, Jr. Non-Voting Member
Data Privacy and Information Security Committee Manuel V. Pangilinan Chairman
Data Privacy and Information Security Committee Ray C. Espinosa Member
Data Privacy and Information Security Committee Kazuyuki Kozu Member
Data Privacy and Information Security Committee Bernido H. Liu Independent Member
Data Privacy and Information Security Committee Marilyn A. Victorio-Aquino Member
List of other material resolutions, transactions and corporate actions approved by the Board of Directors


Other Relevant Information

Please refer to the attachment.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Kristine Mariz De Claro
Designation Associate Attorney