


1. Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)
Jun 13, 2024
2. SEC Identification Number
3. BIR Tax Identification No.
4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter
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6. Industry Classification Code(SEC Use Only)
7. Address of principal office
Ramon Cojuangco Building, Makati Avenue, Makati City Postal Code 1200
8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code
(632) 8250-0254
9. Former name or former address, if changed since last report
Not Applicable
10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA
Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding
- -
11. Indicate the item numbers reported herein

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PSE Disclosure Form 4-13 - Clarification of News Reports References: SRC Rule 17 (SEC Form 17-C) and
Section 4.4 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

Subject of the Disclosure

Response to the letter of the PSE dated June 13, 2024 requesting PLDT Inc. to clarify information and/or to provide relevant information in relation to the news article entitled “PLDT nears sale of 49 percent stake in data centers” as posted in philSTAR.com on June 12, 2024.

Source philSTAR.com
Subject of News Report PLDT nears sale of 49 percent stake in data centers
Date of Publication Jun 12, 2024
Clarification of News Report

We refer to the letter of the PSE dated June 13, 2024 requesting PLDT Inc. (“PLDT”) to clarify information and/or to provide relevant information in relation to the news article entitled “PLDT nears sale of 49 percent stake in data centers” as posted in philSTAR.com on June 12, 2024.

The news article states, in part, that:

“MANILA, Philippines - Telco leader PLDT Inc. will give up a 49 percent share in its data centers to a foreign company in exchange for cash, succeeding in raising the valuation of its portfolio to more than $1 billion.

PLDT is expected to sign in July a firm agreement with a foreign entity for the partial sale of its data centers, but the telco will keep majority control of 51 percent in the business.

PLDT chairman, president and CEO Manuel V. Pangilinan said proceeds from the sale would be used to settle maturing debts in line with the push to improve the telco’s financial health.

In the process, PLDT is scrapping the possibility of listing a real estate investment trust (REIT) at the Philippine Stock Exchange for its data center business. Pangilinan said listing a REIT would take time and PLDT wants the proceeds now for debt payments.

In a May report by Reuters, PLDT was said to be negotiating with Japan’s Nippon Telegraph and Telephone for the potential sale of 49 percent of its data centers. Back then, the transaction was reported to amount to $750 million.

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PLDT wants to make money from the emerging industry of data centers to reduce its debt level, which stands at P242.2 billion as of March.

. . . .”

We confirm that Management is exploring options to partially monetize PLDT’s data center business with proceeds from such intended for deleveraging. As stated in our clarification to news reports dated May 10, 2024, among these options is the possibility of taking in a strategic partner. No decisions have been made at this time.

Other Relevant Information


Filed on behalf by:
Name Kristine Mariz De Claro
Designation Associate Attorney