
The PSE makes no representation on the accuracy, validity, correctness and completeness of the information stated in the respective PORs of listed companies. The PSE shall use the information contained in the POR submitted by the company in computing a company's weight in the index and this may be updated or adjusted consistent with the policy of the Exchange in managing the PSEi and sector indices.

Cemex Holdings Philippines, Inc.CHP

PSE Disclosure Form POR-1 - Public Ownership Report Reference: Amended Rule on Minimum Public Ownership

Report Type

Report Date Jun 30, 2024
Computation of Public Ownership
Number of Issued
Common Shares
Less: Number of Treasury
Common Shares, if any
Number of Outstanding
Common Shares

Less :

A. Directors
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
Luis Guillermo Franco Carrillo - See Other Relevant Information 1,516,657 0 1,516,657 -
Francisco Javier Garcia Ruiz de Morales - See Other Relevant Information 0 0 0 0
Eleanor M. Hilado 776,700 0 776,700 -
Sergio Mauricio Menendez Medina- See Other Relevant Information 0 0 0 0
Jesus Ortiz de la Fuente - See Other Relevant Information 0 0 0 0
Pedro Roxas 51,001 0 51,001 -
Pilar Ruiz Castresana - See Other Relevant Information 0 0 0 0
Marife B. Zamora 50,100 0 50,100 -
2,394,458 0 2,394,458 0
B. Officers
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
Luis Guillermo Franco Carrillo - See Section A and Other Relevant Information 0 0 0 0
Irma del Mundo Aure 9,029 0 9,029 -
Edwin P. Hufemia 802,184 0 802,184 -
Roberto Martin Z. Javier 22,845 0 22,845 -
Jesus Ortiz de la Fuente - See Other Relevant Information 0 0 0 0
Santiago Ortiz Garcia 1,619,113 0 1,619,113 -
Adrian V. Bancoro 341,286 0 341,286 -
Pierre Ignatius C. Co 32,000 0 32,000 -
Rachel C. Domingo 0 0 0 0
Christer James Ray A. Gaudiano 0 0 0 0
Maria Virginia Lacson-del Rosario 55,900 0 55,900 -
Erlinda C. Lizardo 0 0 0 -
Carlito G. Merencillo, Jr. 0 0 0 -
Corina Angela D. Rodriguez 16,496 0 16,496 -
Gery L. Rota 847,841 0 847,841 -
Dino Martin W. Segundo 25,600 0 25,600 -
Steve Kuansheng Wu 0 0 0 0
Jannette Virata Sevilla 0 0 0 0
3,772,294 0 3,772,294 0
C. Principal/Substantial Stockholders
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
CEMEX ASIAN SOUTH EAST CORPORATION - See Other Relevant Information 12,121,954,657 5 12,121,954,662 89.86
12,121,954,657 5 12,121,954,662 89.86
D. Affiliates
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- - - - -
0 0 0 0
E. Government
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- - - - -
0 0 0 0
F. Banks
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- - - - -
0 0 0 0
G. Employees
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
Several 144,543 0 144,543 -
144,543 0 144,543 0
H. Lock-Up Shares
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- - - - -
0 0 0 0
I. Others
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- - - - -
0 0 0 0
Number of Listed
Common Shares
Total Number of
Non-Public Shares
Total Number of Shares Owned
by the Public
Public Ownership Percentage 10.09%
Other Relevant Information

As of 30 June 2024, each of the following directors held in his/her name or for his/her account one (1) CHP share which is beneficially owned by CEMEX ASIAN SOUTH EAST CORPORATION: Sergio Menendez, Luis Franco (also CHP's President & CEO), Javier Garcia, Jesus Ortiz (also CHP's Vice President for Strategic Planning) and Pilar Ruiz.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Jannette Sevilla
Designation Corporate Secretary and Compliance Officer