Remarks C05722-2024

The Exchange does not warrant and holds no responsibility for the veracity of the facts and representations contained in all corporate disclosures, including financial reports. All data contained herein are prepared and submitted by the disclosing party to the Exchange, and are disseminated solely for purposes of information. Any questions on the data contained herein should be addressed directly to the Corporate Information Officer of the disclosing party.

SFA Semicon Philippines CorporationSSP

PSE Disclosure Form 4-34 - Voluntary Trading Suspension

Subject of the Disclosure

Request for a voluntary trading suspension of the common shares of SFA Semicon Philippines Corporation (the “Company”) in view of the disclosure of material information.

Background/Description of the Disclosure

On August 21, 2024, SFA Semicon Co. Ltd. (“SFA Korea”) notified the Company of its intention to make a tender offer (“Tender Offer”) for all the outstanding common shares of the Company owned by the other shareholders (other than those owned by the members of the Company’s Board of Directors with respect to their qualifying common shares) for the purpose of the voluntary delisting of the Company from the Main Board of the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (the “Voluntary Delisting”) and to request the relevant approvals for the Voluntary Delisting of the Company (the “Letter of Intent”).

SFA Korea intends to do the tender offer at the price of ₱2.22 per share. This price is the higher of: (i) the highest valuation of the Company’s shares based on the fairness opinion and valuation report dated August 20, 2024 prepared by R.G. Manabat & Co, an independent valuation provider, in accordance with applicable Philippine regulations, and (ii) the volume weighted average price of the Company’s shares for one year immediately preceding the date of the Letter of Intent. The date of the Letter of Intent is also the same date as the approval by the Board of Directors of the Voluntary Delisting and this disclosure.

At a special meeting held on August 21, 2024, all of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company, including its two independent directors, approved the filing of an application for the Voluntary Delisting subject to: (1) the approval of the shareholders of the Company of the Voluntary Delisting, (2) the completion of the Tender Offer by SFA Korea; and (3) the showing by SFA Korea to the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (“PSE”) that, following its acquisition of the tendered shares, SFA Korea has obtained a total of at least 95% of the total outstanding common shares of the Company or such percentage as the PSE may allow to effect the Voluntary Delisting.

At the same meeting, all the members of the Board of Directors of the Company approved to schedule the holding of a Special Stockholders’ Meeting on October 11, 2024, with record date of September 6, 2024, to submit for the approval of the shareholders the filing of an application for the Voluntary Delisting.

The Company intends to file with the PSE the petition for Voluntary Delisting, and SFA Korea intends to launch the Tender Offer in support of the petition for Voluntary Delisting, as soon as stockholders’ approval on the Voluntary Delisting is obtained by the Company.

In view of the foregoing, and to ensure that the investing public would have equal access to the disclosed information, the Company requests for a voluntary trading suspension of its common shares for the whole day tomorrow, August 22, 2024.

Stock Symbol(s) of Affected Securities


Trading Suspension Details
Execution Date Aug 22, 2024
Execution Time 9:00 am
Lifting Date Aug 27, 2024
Lifting Time 9:00 am
Reason(s) for the request

The Company requests for a voluntary trading suspension of its common shares to give the investing public time to absorb the disclosed information relating to the Tender Offer and the proposed Voluntary Delisting.

Other Relevant Information

Please find attached SEC Form 17-C.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Caroline Sicat
Designation Treasurer/Assistant Corporate Secretary