

Subject Petron Corporation: Follow-on Public Offering of Series 4 Preferred Shares - Dividend Rates
Company Name Petron Corporation
Reference(s) LN00129-2024 and LN00130-2024 both dated August 29, 2024
Type of Listing Application Follow-on Public Offering
Status of Listing Application Setting of Dividend Rates
Other Relevant Information

This is in connection with Petron Corporation’s (“PCOR” or the “Company”) Follow-on Public Offering of up to 17,000,000 Series 4 Preferred Shares (“Second Tranche Shares”) to be issued in two subseries, Series 4D (“PRF4D”) and Series 4E (“PRF4E”) (the “Offer Shares”) which is the second tranche under the shelf-registered and shelf-listed Preferred Shares of the Company, at an offer price of Php1,000.00 per Offer Share.

In a letter received by the Exchange on August 30, 2024, the Company advised the Exchange that the initial dividend rates of the following Offer Shares are:

1. PRF4D - 6.8364%
2. PRF4E - 7.1032%

Attached is a copy of the said letter for your reference.

For your information and guidance.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Norberto Moreno Jr.
Designation Listings Department