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San Miguel CorporationSMC

PSE Disclosure Form 4-29 - Disbursement of Proceeds and Progress Report References: Memorandum No. 626 - 2007 dated December 20, 2007
Section 4.4 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

Subject of the Disclosure

Disbursement of the net proceeds of the offering of the Fixed-Rate Bonds Series "L", Series "N" and Series "O" Preferred Shares (the "Offering").

Background/Description of the Disclosure

Please see attached disbursement of the net proceeds of the offering of the Fixed-Rate Bonds Series "L", Series "N" and Series "O" Preferred Shares (the "Offering")

Other Relevant Information

This is to amend the disclosure of the Company on October 04, 2024. A copy of the revised SEC Form 17-C is hereto attached reflecting the correction of the date of the disbursement of the Company to October 04, 2024. The attached SEC Form 17-C is for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission upon approval of the Exchange.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Mary Rose Tan
Designation Associate General Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary