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Philippine Realty and Holdings CorporationRLT

PSE Disclosure Form 17-18 - Other SEC Forms/Reports/Requirements

Form/Report Type 17-18 Certificates of Attendance for the Annual Corporate Governance Seminar
Report Period/Report Date Nov 19, 2024
Description of the Disclosure

Pursuant to SEC Memorandum Circular No. 20, Series of 2013, enclosed herewith are the Certificates of Attendance of the Company's Directors and Key Officers for the Annual Corporate Governance Seminar for the year 2024 conducted by the Center for Global Best Practices held on November 19, 2024 (Topic: Executive Briefing on Contract Law for Non-Lawyers and Executive Briefing on Board of Director's Guide to the Employment Laws of the Philippines)

Board of Directors
1. Gerardo Domenico Antonio V. Lanuza - Chairman of the Board
2. Renato G. Nuñez - Vice Chairman and Lead Independent Director
3. Gerardo O. Lanuza, Jr. – Chairman Emeritus
4. Edmundo C. Medrano - President
5. Amador C. Bacani
6. Andrew C. Ng
7. Alfonso Martin E. Eizmendi - Independent Director
8. Jomark O. Arollado - Independent Director

Key Officers
1. Erwin V. Ciar - Vice President and Head, Project Construction and Management
2. Adeline Susan C. Carag - Vice President and Head, Property Management Services
3. Carlos Miguel T. Paca - Vice President and Head, Business Development and Investor Relations Officer
4. Richard Nicolas K. Go - Vice President and Head, Sales and Chief Sales Officer
5. Marissa S. Bontogon - Vice President and Treasurer and Risk Officer
6. Rex P. Bonifacio - Corporate Secretary
7. Mark Anthony M. Ramos - Vice President and Controller and Compliance Officer

Filed on behalf by:
Name Mark Anthony Ramos
Designation Vice President and Controller and Compliance Officer