
The PSE makes no representation on the accuracy, validity, correctness and completeness of the information stated in the respective PORs of listed companies. The PSE shall use the information contained in the POR submitted by the company in computing a company's weight in the index and this may be updated or adjusted consistent with the policy of the Exchange in managing the PSEi and sector indices.

Chelsea Logistics and Infrastructure Holdings Corp.C

PSE Disclosure Form POR-1 - Public Ownership Report Reference: Amended Rule on Minimum Public Ownership

Report Type

Report Date Dec 31, 2024
Computation of Public Ownership
Number of Issued
Common Shares
Less: Number of Treasury
Common Shares, if any
Number of Outstanding
Common Shares

Less :

A. Directors
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
Dennis A. Uy 215,501 770,234,496 770,449,997 33.87
Cheryly C. Uy 1 219,996,268 219,996,269 9.67
Chryss Alfonsus V. Damuy 1,668,000 - 1,668,000 0.07
Efren E Uy 270,001 - 270,001 0.01
Miguel Rene A. Dominguez 1 - 1 0
Jesus S. Guevara II 1 100,000 100,001 0.01
Eduardo A. Bangayan 70,001 - 70,001 0
Arthur Kenneth L. Sy 1 - 1 0
Gilbert Gabriel F. Santa Maria 1 - 1 0
2,223,508 990,330,764 992,554,272 43.63
B. Officers
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
Ignacia S. Braga IV 802,000 0 802,000 0.04
Ma. Henedina V. San Juan 219,000 0 219,000 0.01
Leandro E. Abarquez 36,300 0 36,300 0
1,057,300 0 1,057,300 0.05
C. Principal/Substantial Stockholders
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
Udenna Corporation 1,650,384,605 0 1,650,384,605 72.55
1,650,384,605 0 1,650,384,605 72.55
D. Affiliates
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
E. Government
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
F. Banks
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
G. Employees
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
H. Lock-Up Shares
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
I. Others
Name Direct Indirect Total direct & indirect shares % to Total Outstanding Shares
- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Number of Listed
Common Shares
Total Number of
Non-Public Shares
Total Number of Shares Owned
by the Public
Public Ownership Percentage 27.30
Other Relevant Information

The issuance of the Corporation's 77,791,000 common shares to Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company - Trust Banking Group (MBTC), and to the Members of the Board of Trustees of the Private Education Retirement Annuity Association (PERAA), pursuant to the Subscription and Debt Conversion Agreements entered into by the Corporation with MBTC and PERAA.

The 2,274,768,615 common shares already includes 375,000,000 partially paid subscribed shares of Udenna Corporation that are not yet listed because they have not been fully paid. Out of the 1,650,384,605 Udenna Corporation owned shares, 60% of which are reflected in the indirect shares of the Spouses Dennis A. Uy with 770,234,496 shares and Cherylyn C. Uy with 219, 996,268 shares.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Darlene Binay
Designation Chief Financial Officer