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Union Bank of the PhilippinesUBP
PSE Disclosure Form 4-30 - Material Information/Transactions References: SRC Rule 17 (SEC Form 17-C) and Sections 4.1 and 4.4 of the Revised Disclosure Rules
Subject of the Disclosure
UnionBank 2024 Net Income up by 31% year-on-year
Background/Description of the Disclosure
UnionBank of the Philippines generated P12.0 billion in net income in FY2024, an increase of 31% year-on-year. This performance was supported by a strong consumer business, margin expansion, and higher fee based revenues.
Consumer loans now account for 61% of the total loan portfolio, nearly 3x higher than the industry average. This is diversified across credit cards, mortgage loans, personal/salary loans, and vehicle loans. The Bank’s retail customer base has now reached 17 million.
Net revenues reached a new high of P79.5 billion, 12.4% higher year-on-year. Net interest income increased by 11.6% to P58.0 billion as the Bank’s net interest margin expanded by 49 basis points to 6.0%. The Bank’s net interest margin is among the highest in the industry. Moreover, the Bank's fee income as a proportion of its assets is nearly double the Philippine banking industry's average, fueled by increasing customer transactions such as bills payments and funds transfers, as well as interchange and other card-related fees.
Notwithstanding the Bank’s continued investments in customer engagement programs, FY 2024 operating expenses still managed to improve by 1.4% versus the previous year to P44.3 billion.
Please refer to the attached Press Release dated January 31, 2025 entitled “UnionBank 2024 Net Income up by 31% year-on-year”.