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Oriental Peninsula Resources Group, Inc.ORE

PSE Disclosure Form 17-14 - Annual Verification of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Reference: Section 17.14 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

Subject of the Disclosure

Annual Verification of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau

Description of the Disclosure

Annual Verification of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau for ORE's subsidiary, Citinickel Mines and Development Corporation

List of valid and subsisting mining properties

MPSA No. 229-2007-IVB issued on January 3, 2007 (Citinickel Mines and Development Corporation entered into a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement with the Republic of the Philippines covering an area of 2,180.0627 hectares situated in the municipalities of Narra and Sofronio Espanola, Palawan)

List of valid mining claims/leases, including a disclosure of all liens/encumbrances

MPSA No. 229-2007-IVB issued on January 3, 2007

Other Relevant Information

Please see attachment.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Lyra Gracia Lipae-Fabella
Designation Corporate Secretary