9. Former name or former address, if changed since last report
10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA
Title of Each Class
Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding
11. Indicate the item numbers reported herein
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Sta. Lucia Land, Inc.SLI
PSE Disclosure Form 4-25 - Results of Organizational Meeting References: SRC Rule 17 (SEC Form 17-C) and Section 4.4 of the Revised Disclosure Rules
Subject of the Disclosure
Results of the 2018 Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors
Background/Description of the Disclosure
Results of the 2018 Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors
List of elected officers for the ensuing year with their corresponding shareholdings in the Issuer
Name of Person
Shareholdings in the Listed Company
Nature of Indirect Ownership
Vicente R. Santos
thru Lucky Securities, Inc.
Exequiel D. Robles
thru Lucky Securities, Inc.
David M. Dela Cruz
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer
Mariza Santos-Tan
Aurora D. Robles
Assistant Treasurer
Ace Franziz D. Cuntapay
Internal Auditor
Jeremiah T. Pampolina
Compliance Officer
Patricia A. O. Bunye
Corporate Secretary
Pancho G. Umali
Assistant Corporate Secretary
Crystal I. Prado
Assistant Corporate Secretary
List of Committees and Membership
Name of Committees
Position/Designation in Committee
Executive Committee
Exequiel D. Robles
Executive Committee
Vicente R. Santos
Executive Committee
Mariza Santos-Tan
Executive Committee
Aurora D. Robles
Executive Committee
Antonio D. Robles
Audit Committee
Osmundo C. De Guzman, Jr.
Audit Committee
Jose Ferdinand R. Guiang
Audit Committee
Vicente R. Santos
Corporate Governance Committee
Jose Ferdinand R. Guiang
Corporate Governance Committee
Osmundo C. De Guzman, Jr.
Corporate Governance Committee
Vicente R. Santos
Board Risk Oversight Committee
Osmundo C. De Guzman, Jr.
Board Risk Oversight Committee
Jose Ferdinand R. Guiang
Board Risk Oversight Committee
Vicente R. Santos
Related Party Transactions Committee
Jose Ferdinand R. Guiang
Related Party Transactions Committee
Osmundo C. De Guzman, Jr.
Related Party Transactions Committee
Vicente R. Santos
List of other material resolutions, transactions and corporate actions approved by the Board of Directors
A. Resolution approving the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Directors held on 24 April 2018;
B. Resolutions authorizing the Corporation to acquire the following: 1. Parcels of land located in Batangas with a total area of 205,882 sq.m.; 2. Parcels of land located in Davao del Sur with a total area of 90,000 sq.m.; 3. Parcels of land located in Laguna with a total area of 187,658 sq.m.; 4. Parcels of land located in Pangasinan with a total area of 78,156 sq.m.; 5. Parcel of land located in Quezon with an area of 8,386 sq.m.; 6. Parcel of land located in Rizal with an area of 12,000 sq.m.; 7. Parcel of land located in Zambales with an area of 35,588 sq.m.; and 8. Parcel of land located in Iloilo with an area of 18,872 sq.m.
C. Resolutions authorizing the Corporation to enter into joint ventures involving the following: 1. Development of a project located in Davao del Sur with a total area of 14,299 sq.m.; 2. Development of a project located in Iloilo City with an area of 48,000 sq.m.; 3. Development of a project located in Quezon City with a total area of 1,103 sq.m.; and 4. Development of a project located in Rizal with an area of 7,104 sq.m.
D. Resolution approving the availment of a bank loan and domestic bills purchase line with the Bank of Commerce.
E. Resolution designating additional signatories to negotiate and avail of a seven (7) year Corporate Note Facility with financial institutions, with a maximum of nineteen (19) investors, for an aggregate amount of PhP3 Billion and with an overallotment option of PhP2 Billion, which was approved during the Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation held on 08 January 2018.
Other Relevant Information
Please refer to the attached 17-C to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.