

Subject Cebu Air, Inc.: Stock Rights Offering of Convertible Preferred Shares - Procedures and Implementing Guidelines
Company Name Cebu Air, Inc.
Reference(s) LN00041-2021 and LN00042-2021 both dated February 19, 2021
Type of Listing Application Stock Rights Offering
Date of PSE Approval Jan 20, 2021
Status of Listing Application SRO Offer Period to start on March 3, 2021
Other Relevant Information

In connection with the 1:1.8250 Stock Rights Offering of Convertible Preferred Shares (“SRO”) of Cebu Air, Inc. (“CEB” or the “Company”) to all stockholders of record as of February 26, 2021, please see the attached Procedures and Implementing Guidelines for the Company’s SRO.

For your information and guidance.

Filed on behalf by:
Name Norberto Moreno Jr.
Designation Listings Department