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Allied Banking Corporation

Company Description
Allied Banking Corporation (ABC) is a universal bank incorporated on April 11, 1977. It listed its shares at the Philippine Stock Exchange on June 4, 1982. ABC and its subsidiaries and affiliates are engaged in all aspects of banking, financing and leasing to personal, commercial, corporate and institutional clients through a network of 324 (as of December 31, 2011) local and international branches and offices. ABC's products and services include deposit taking, lending and related services, domestic and foreign fund transfers, treasury, foreign exchange, and trust services. In addition, ABC is licensed to enter into regular financial derivatives as a means of reducing and managing ABC's and its customers' foreign exchange exposure.

ABC's subsidiaries and associates are composed of Allied Savings Bank; Allied Bank Philippines (UK) Plc.; Allied Commercial Bank; Allied Banking Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited; Allied Forex Corporation; PNB Life Insurance, Inc.; Allied Leasing and Finance Corporation; and Oceanic Holding (BVI) Ltd. (OHBVI).

OHBVI wholly owns Oceanic Bank Holding, Inc., a bank holding company which conducts its primary business through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Oceanic Bank. The bank is chartered by the State of California, USA and operates two branches in San Francisco, California and one branch in the Territory of Guam, offering the full range of commercial banking services. On October 11, 2011, the Board of ABC approved the execution by OHBVI of a voting trust agreement. The agreement was signed among OHBVI, ABC's affiliate Philippine National Bank (PNB) and another party, as the nominated Trustee, this placed all shares of the holding company in a trust, to be sold to third parties, to facilitate the merger of ABC and PNB, with PNB as the surviving entity. On October 28 of the same year, the US Federal Reserve Board approved the voting trust agreement.

ABC obtained the approval of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and Securities and Exchange Commission on the merger on August 14, 2012 and January 18, 2013, respectively. The merger took effect on February 9, 2013.

Source: SEC Form 17-A (2011)/Circ. No. 6119-2012; 0630-2013; 0721-2013
Security Information
Sector Financials
Subsector Banks
Corporate Life 50
Incorporation Date Apr 11, 1977
Number of Directors 9
Stockholders' Meeting as per By-Laws Per By-Laws: April - first Thursday at 4 pm except holidays; For 2011: 25 May 2011, Record Date: 25 April 2011, Circ. No. 3124-2011
Fiscal Year 12/31 (Month/Day)
External Auditor SyCip, Gorres, Velayo & Company
Transfer Agent Allied Banking Corporation
Contact Information
Business Address Allied Bank Centre, 6754 Ayala Ave. Makati City
E-mail Address [email protected]
Telephone Number 8102451
Fax Number 8165793