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Company Disclosures

Company Announcements more
Corporate acts, developments or events relating to the operations and business of listed companies.
Financial Reports more
Periodical reports containing the financial condition and results of operations of listed companies.
Other Reports more
Other periodic SEC and PSE reportorial requirements.

Index Summary more

Index Value Chg %Chg
PSEi 6,726.01 55.74 0.84▲
All Shares 3,630.10 23.29 0.65▲
Financials 2,076.45 11.84 0.57▲
Industrial 9,159.60 85.64 0.94▲
Holding Firms 5,822.22 43.22 0.75▲
Services 2,007.18 8.88 0.44▲
Mining and Oil 8,351.84 46.73 0.56▼
Property 2,664.47 35.75 1.36▲

Dividends Rights more

Halts and Suspensions more

Stock Symbol Market Action Execution Date
CEB, CEBCP Halt Jul 17, 2024
JFC, JFCPA, JFCPB Suspension Jul 2, 2024
PHR Halt Jul 2, 2024
ROX Suspension May 20, 2024
ROX Suspension May 20, 2024
ALCPC Suspension May 31, 2024
Market Calendar

Exchange Notices

Listing Notices more
Listing-related announcements from the PSE Listings Department.
Disclosure Notices more
Disclosure-related announcements from the PSE Disclosure Department.

5 Most Viewed Disclosures


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