Financial Reports

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Vantage Equities, Inc.

Information in this page will become available upon submission of the Company of its latest financial statements. To view previous financial statements of the Company, kindly proceed to the Company's page in the PSE Main website (


For the fiscal year ended : Dec 31, 2023
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Current Year Previous Year
Current Assets 11,818,752,719 11,255,028,231
Total Assets 11,978,471,032 11,426,640,349
Current Liabilities 245,701,504 270,194,643
Total Liabilities 281,868,076 306,207,260
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 6,724,143,910 6,223,877,092
Stockholders' Equity 11,696,602,956 11,120,433,089
Stockholders' Equity - Parent 10,878,348,816 10,380,093,428
Book Value Per Share 2.69 2.65
Income Statement
Item Current Year Previous Year
Gross Revenue 1,171,503,068 327,792,162
Gross Expense 282,574,554 265,634,081
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 746,643,117 62,455,973
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 628,520,470 -6,051,151
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent 544,251,521 -74,180,861
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.13 -0.02
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) - -


For the period ended : Mar 31, 2024
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Period Ended Fiscal Year Ended(Audited)
Current Assets 12,138,167,268 11,818,752,719
Total Assets 12,346,311,683 11,978,471,032
Current Liabilities 266,080,344 245,701,504
Total Liabilities 327,845,349 281,868,076
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 7,030,020,128 6,724,143,910
Stockholders' Equity 12,018,466,334 11,696,602,956
Stockholders' Equity - Parent 11,184,225,034 10,878,348,816
Book Value Per Share 2.86 2.69
Income Statement
Item Current Year (3 Months) Previous Year (3 Months) Current Year-To-Date Previous Year-To-Date
Gross Revenue 443,863,600 596,746,177 443,863,600 596,746,177
Gross Expense 108,891,659 93,284,623 108,891,659 93,284,623
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 334,865,084 482,374,339 334,865,084 482,374,339
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 305,435,006 442,864,523 305,435,006 442,864,523
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent 274,218,609 417,420,870 274,218,609 417,420,870
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.9
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.9