Financial Reports

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Metro Retail Stores Group, Inc.

Information in this page will become available upon submission of the Company of its latest financial statements. To view previous financial statements of the Company, kindly proceed to the Company's page in the PSE Main website (


For the fiscal year ended : Dec 31, 2023
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Current Year Previous Year
Current Assets 11,549,927,724 12,243,113,147
Total Assets 23,663,377,409 22,739,012,073
Current Liabilities 5,655,721,484 5,236,024,002
Total Liabilities 14,241,071,347 13,678,021,477
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 3,711,054,879 3,289,176,015
Stockholders' Equity 9,422,306,062 9,060,990,596
Stockholders' Equity - Parent - -
Book Value Per Share 2.87 2.74
Income Statement
Item Current Year Previous Year
Gross Revenue 38,584,126,687 38,345,318,869
Gross Expense 37,444,400,531 36,939,961,356
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 835,560,741 1,232,714,359
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 618,019,704 917,274,074
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent - -
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.19 0.28
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.19 0.28


For the period ended : Mar 31, 2024
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Period Ended Fiscal Year Ended(Audited)
Current Assets 10,821,474,299 11,549,927,724
Total Assets 23,187,044,420 23,663,377,409
Current Liabilities 5,289,962,438 5,655,721,484
Total Liabilities 13,714,796,573 14,241,071,347
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 3,761,364,366 3,711,054,879
Stockholders' Equity 9,472,247,847 9,422,306,062
Stockholders' Equity - Parent - -
Book Value Per Share 2.92 2.87
Income Statement
Item Current Year (3 Months) Previous Year (3 Months) Current Year-To-Date Previous Year-To-Date
Gross Revenue 8,822,370,674 8,390,354,051 8,822,370,674 8,390,354,051
Gross Expense 8,692,206,012 8,234,370,591 8,692,206,012 8,234,370,591
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 62,473,941 83,713,470 62,473,941 83,713,470
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 50,309,487 60,041,805 50,309,487 60,041,805
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent - - - -
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02