Financial Reports

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Golden MV Holdings, Inc.


Information in this page will become available upon submission of the Company of its latest financial statements. To view previous financial statements of the Company, kindly proceed to the Company's page in the PSE Main website (


For the fiscal year ended : Dec 31, 2023
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Current Year Previous Year
Current Assets 24,514,155,051 24,567,034,296
Total Assets 27,945,743,138 28,038,063,100
Current Liabilities 7,015,716,049 10,044,168,798
Total Liabilities 13,828,910,121 15,345,997,584
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 10,493,517,634 9,077,257,684
Stockholders' Equity 14,116,833,017 12,692,065,516
Stockholders' Equity - Parent 14,116,833,017 12,692,065,516
Book Value Per Share 22 20
Income Statement
Item Current Year Previous Year
Gross Revenue 4,759,373,850 4,963,062,742
Gross Expense 3,047,421,691 3,338,767,618
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 1,595,628,009 1,438,818,787
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 1,416,259,950 1,292,796,558
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent 1,416,259,950 1,292,796,558
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 2.20 2.01
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 2.20 2.01


For the period ended : Mar 31, 2024
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Period Ended Fiscal Year Ended(Audited)
Current Assets 25,764,871 24,514,157
Total Assets 29,125,626 27,945,745
Current Liabilities 7,461,008 7,015,716
Total Liabilities 14,458,860 13,828,911
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 11,043,450 10,493,518
Stockholders' Equity 14,666,766 14,116,834
Stockholders' Equity - Parent 14,666,766 14,116,834
Book Value Per Share 22.77 21.92
Income Statement
Item Current Year (3 Months) Previous Year (3 Months) Current Year-To-Date Previous Year-To-Date
Gross Revenue 1,686,272 1,614,790 1,686,272 1,614,790
Gross Expense 1,022,806 1,023,842 1,022,806 1,023,842
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 612,660 532,202 612,660 532,202
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 549,932 473,039 549,932 473,039
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent 549,932 473,039 549,932 473,039
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.85 0.73 0.85 0.73
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.85 0.73 0.85 0.73