Financial Reports

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Figaro Coffee Group, Inc.


Information in this page will become available upon submission of the Company of its latest financial statements. To view previous financial statements of the Company, kindly proceed to the Company's page in the PSE Main website (


For the fiscal year ended : Jun 30, 2023
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Current Year Previous Year
Current Assets 1,852,872,484 1,229,155,191
Total Assets 3,223,643,445 1,875,674,402
Current Liabilities 494,740,400 384,717,725
Total Liabilities 520,039,095 407,408,159
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 713,439,544 340,868,525
Stockholders' Equity 2,703,604,351 1,468,266,243
Stockholders' Equity - Parent - -
Book Value Per Share 0.49 0.31
Income Statement
Item Current Year Previous Year
Gross Revenue 4,284,080,714 2,437,396,762
Gross Expense 3,704,996,555 2,187,611,198
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 616,746,559 264,253,090
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 462,559,919 198,189,818
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent - -
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.09 0.06
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.08 0.04


For the period ended : Mar 31, 2024
Currency(and units, if applicable) : PHP

Balance Sheet
Item Period Ended Fiscal Year Ended(Audited)
Current Assets 1,077,799,479 1,852,872,484
Total Assets 4,201,900,091 3,223,643,445
Current Liabilities 1,218,519,355 494,740,400
Total Liabilities 1,258,485,032 520,039,095
Retained Earnings/(Deficit) 953,250,252 713,439,544
Stockholders' Equity 2,943,415,059 2,703,604,351
Stockholders' Equity - Parent - -
Book Value Per Share 0.50 0.49
Income Statement
Item Current Year (3 Months) Previous Year (3 Months) Current Year-To-Date Previous Year-To-Date
Gross Revenue 1,310,743,076 1,030,445,273 4,078,390,739 3,070,728,250
Gross Expense 1,166,817,799 906,201,895 3,568,956,760 2,611,931,488
Income/(Loss) Before Tax 139,363,633 132,487,523 516,612,002 494,215,017
Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 104,522,725 99,365,643 387,459,001 370,661,263
Net Income/(Loss) Attributable to Parent 104,522,725 99,365,643 387,459,001 370,661,263
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.06
Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.06